Snoopy and Magic

Snoopy and Magic
The Thirsty Duo

Friday, May 1, 2009

Lazy Days Rally

The Couch Potato Express on the right and my friend Bea's rig on the left with my CRV parked in front. The weather was great and the first night while they served appetizers they had dancing. When the line dancing started Bea made me go up with her even though I had never done it before and I attempted the Electric Slide and the Cha Cha. I'm sure I made a fool out of myself but I had fun thanks to Bea and isn't that the most important thing?

The next night we went to Cody's Steakhouse for a terrific dinner before driving to her church for Ladies Night Out where we watched Pride and Prejudice and ate popcorn. It was a delightful evening and again I had a great time.

Friday I called Barney at Lazydays and asked him to give me some pointers when backing into a campsite with no one giving directions. He came over and spent some time instructing me and now I can't wait to try it alone.

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