Snoopy and Magic

Snoopy and Magic
The Thirsty Duo

Friday, May 29, 2009

Is this Virginia or Oregon?

Hmm, did I miss a turn and wind up in Oregon?? It sure is wet here, it's rained all but two days and I've been here a week already. It's certainly not the kind of weather we have in Florida. One minute it's raining and the next it's sunny and then it's raining again. Weird! We're at 2800 feet and they say that mountains make their own weather and there are a lot of mountains here.
One good thing is that there is very little thunder so far.
This is the bridge that crosses the little mountain stream, guess I should have zoomed it for you. Anyway it is for bikers and hikers only, no horses allowed. If it quits raining I'll take the dogs over there and see where the path goes. I haven't seen any snakes yet. But there are chipmunks here and small red squirrels that the locals call "Boomers". I'll try and find out why.
The little stream from up on the bridge. The water is so clear. Remember this is not taken in the sunshine.
Magic and Snoopy love it outside but like me out there with them so that's where we spend a lot of time.
Today is my 3rd day off and tomorrow is the last day off this week. I'll work from Sunday thru Wednesday then get off 3 days. Sunday after work there will be a cook out right next to me as a going away party for Pat. He's the man who trained me and I hate to see him go. We have had a lot of laughs together while working. I'll take pictures of my new friends then too.

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