Snoopy and Magic

Snoopy and Magic
The Thirsty Duo

Friday, May 29, 2009

Is this Virginia or Oregon?

Hmm, did I miss a turn and wind up in Oregon?? It sure is wet here, it's rained all but two days and I've been here a week already. It's certainly not the kind of weather we have in Florida. One minute it's raining and the next it's sunny and then it's raining again. Weird! We're at 2800 feet and they say that mountains make their own weather and there are a lot of mountains here.
One good thing is that there is very little thunder so far.
This is the bridge that crosses the little mountain stream, guess I should have zoomed it for you. Anyway it is for bikers and hikers only, no horses allowed. If it quits raining I'll take the dogs over there and see where the path goes. I haven't seen any snakes yet. But there are chipmunks here and small red squirrels that the locals call "Boomers". I'll try and find out why.
The little stream from up on the bridge. The water is so clear. Remember this is not taken in the sunshine.
Magic and Snoopy love it outside but like me out there with them so that's where we spend a lot of time.
Today is my 3rd day off and tomorrow is the last day off this week. I'll work from Sunday thru Wednesday then get off 3 days. Sunday after work there will be a cook out right next to me as a going away party for Pat. He's the man who trained me and I hate to see him go. We have had a lot of laughs together while working. I'll take pictures of my new friends then too.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Raccoon Branch Campground at Mt Rogers NRA

So long, Strom Thurmond Lake, as always it was a peaceful and picturesque visit and the camp hosts were very pleasant. Modoc CG will definitely be revisited in the future.

After a brief goodbye to my Aunt Gussie we were on I-20 headed to Columbia, SC where I would fuel up and spend the night at Flying J.

It was a pretty peaceful night considering trucks were coming and going but they slowed down after awhile as usual. I spent the morning at Fort Jackson getting necessary stuff done, like car registration (since mine was expired), pharmacy and commissary. Then I headed to our property in Ridgeway and unhooked the car again so I could go and spend the afternoon at the courthouse. Just as I drove up the realtor arrived and we looked the place over. It's finally for sale.

That evening I stopped by to see my good friend and neighbor, Delores. We had a nice visit and I got to meet her daughter Val. I think we would be good friends if I had stayed there, I liked her a lot. Just before dark, another friend and neighbor, Eric, came down and visited for a while. I'll miss these great folks when I sell the place.

I left around noon the next day and headed up I-77, and over to Hickory where my nephew, Mike met me. After a nice visit we unloaded a lot of genealogy stuff plus a lot of puzzles for his Mom and Dad. I was trying to lighten my load before reaching the mountains which were right ahead. It was really nice of Mike to take the time to come and meet me and I appreciated it.

I drove way past my usual stopping time and when I started looking for a campground I ran into a little trouble. I was on hwy 321, a great 4 lane highway and I saw a sign that said "camping next exit" so I got off there. There were no more signs to the CG so I turned around (luckily there was a place big enough) and got back on the road. I passed a WalMart and should have gone there at Erwin, NC or TN but I didn't. The next camping sign was something like Nokiechucky CG on the Nokiechucky River. That sounded nice so I headed for it. Wrong decision!!! The road continued to get narrow and narrower. I met a couple of people and they assured me that the CG was just down the road away. Just down the road away, right! The road turned into one lane with a river, six inches if that far, from the right side of the road, the left side was a rock wall, one huge, really deep pot hole ahead that I had no choice but run over and then I saw it. A 9 foot cement wall on the left side of the one lane road just at a bend in the road where I had to drive between the cement wall and river which now was right next to the road. I couldn't see what was ahead but I couldn't turn around either. Blood pressure rising, stomach in my throat and my heart racing, I inched forward, waiting for one of my wheels to fall into the river. Whew!!! I made it! No pull thrus, I wasn't going to unhook for one night so I had to turn around and go back through hell's highway again. This time I was afraid of not only falling into the water but of clipping the jutting rock wall. Needless to say I managed to get out of there safely but I also learned a lesson. Check it out with the car first! even if I have to unhook. I drove to Bristol VA and spent the night at WalMart with some other RV's.

Only about 50 miles from Marion and the scenery was gorgeous. I tried holding up my camera and snapping a few photos but they didn't turn out. I reached my exit, #45, and headed south on hwy 16. It kept getting prettier and prettier.

Somewhere on this mountain was my destination.

This is the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area's Headquarters building. It's really a beautiful building and everyone inside was just as nice as could be. I had to stop there and let them know I had arrived and introduce myself. I filled out some forms, received lots of brochures, time sheets, work schedule and other papers then I followed my boss to the campground where I will be for the next 3 1/4 months.

As we turned into Raccoon Branch I was thoroughly knocked over by the beauty of it.

Just exactly what I had hoped for! Large spacious sites with a creek running through it and lots of trees and shade. It was almost full when I drove in since it was Memorial Day weekend. There were a lot of tents set up on one side of the campground but as we made the loop to the second half of the CG it was mostly fifth wheels and trailers.

My campsite is below. It's surrounded by lots of grass, has woods to the side and behind it, there is even a trail through the woods that Magic and Snoopy love to go into. When I sit outside, I can hear the water in the creek, so relaxing.

The pictures below show what my view is off to the drivers side and the little creek that is just behind me. On the other side of the creek is the Virginia Highlands Horse Trail.

This is everything I had dreamed of and more. The day after I got here, Saturday, I drove around but forgot my camera. I went into the next campground up the mtn and met the camp host. She too was by herself and we hit it off right away. I think we'll be doing lots together.

I passed some beautiful rhododendron in dark pink and purple, I've never seen these before. The locust trees are in full bloom in the campground and they smelled wonderful. There were several horse camps, one I saw was full of horses, dogs, kids and trailers that housed both the horses and people, separately of course. There were other places under trees where people parked their horse trailers for the day while they rode through the trails. I passed the Appalachian Trail parking lot that seems to always be about full while their owners hike the trail. Dogwood trees are still in bloom, big magnolia blooms are popping out of wild magnolia trees. Wild flowers everywhere are just bursting in colors from yellow, white, pink, purple, blue and everything in between. Hawks were gliding over the road, crows hopping around in the trees, red winged blackbirds sitting on the fences and the beautiful little bluebirds flitting across the road. My eyes could barely take it all in and my senses were reeling in delight at all the colors, sounds and smells. As I drove around it dawned on me that there was a big smile on my face and it also felt as though it went clear to my heart. I think it'll be a beautiful summer.

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Week in N Augusta, SC

Steve and Linda my cousin where I spent Mother's Day night.

This is the picnic we had on Saturday at Modoc CG in SC. Jerry took us all for a cruise around the Strom Thurmond Lake dodging rain and we all had a great time.
Sunday Miriam took me horse back riding on Brandy and taught me the basics and then we took a longer ride today in Aiken at Hitchcock Woods a beautiful 2000 acre area full of shady horse trails. I had so much fun and Brandy behaved beautifully.
I saw a fox running across the road on the way home. The week has flown by but it was so much fun to visit with my aunt and cousins. The weather was great even though we had some much needed rain and it even cooled down enough to sleep under a blanket.
Hitting the road tomorrow.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

First Stop for Mother's Day Weekend, Blue Spring St Pk

Today is already the day to leave and venture on a little farther up the road. We only arrived Friday afternoon and it seems we just got here. It was a short but VERY SPECIAL weekend.
Below is my Grandson Joey, Judy and Bruce.

After Judy, Bruce and Joey arrived I was already set up so Joey and I set off for Publix (my favorite grocery store). Bruce grilled our Teriyaki chicken to perfection and presto! it was dark already. Judy brought me a georgeous Tulip plant and a lovely Mother's Day Card which made the weekend even more special.

I had to rush Magic to the vet before they closed on Saturday for the weekend. I didn't feel comfortable leaving town with her sick without being checked out. It turned out she would be okay but it blew the whole day. Below is why Greyhounds are known as couch potatoes.

We left the state park heading towards I-75 on the back roads and passed an ostrich farm, a donkey farm, a great looking restaurant on the river in Astor called the Blackwater, and a horse farm with 4 beautiful little foals as we neared Ocala.

I love traveling in an RV! Just before Lake City I pulled off at a rest area, took the dogs out then proceeded to take a shower and wash my hair. My clothes were still soaking from perspiration from hooking up the car and dumping the tanks in the hot sun and I just couldn't wait any longer. You sure can't do that traveling in a car or plane.

I called my cousin whose home I was on the way to and she was on another interstate north of me about 15 miles away. Was that timing or what?. We met at the GA welcome center and I followed her up to Waffle House where we had omelets before going to her home just as her hubby, Steve was arriving at the same time. We had a great visit and I'll get pictures tomorrow morning before she goes to work.

It's been a really great weekend and I feel terrific to be back on the road doing my thang!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Lazy Days Rally

The Couch Potato Express on the right and my friend Bea's rig on the left with my CRV parked in front. The weather was great and the first night while they served appetizers they had dancing. When the line dancing started Bea made me go up with her even though I had never done it before and I attempted the Electric Slide and the Cha Cha. I'm sure I made a fool out of myself but I had fun thanks to Bea and isn't that the most important thing?

The next night we went to Cody's Steakhouse for a terrific dinner before driving to her church for Ladies Night Out where we watched Pride and Prejudice and ate popcorn. It was a delightful evening and again I had a great time.

Friday I called Barney at Lazydays and asked him to give me some pointers when backing into a campsite with no one giving directions. He came over and spent some time instructing me and now I can't wait to try it alone.