Snoopy and Magic

Snoopy and Magic
The Thirsty Duo

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Eerie Lights in the Night

Almost a month up here and I still haven't seen much. Rain rain and more rain. I have 3 leaks to take care of now and will take the coach to Johnson City today.
I took a ride with Nell, a campground host to see how long it took to drive to Hickory and she took these photos with her Blackberry. On the way down we saw lots of Christmas Tree farms and went through Boone and Blowing Rock, 2 cute little tourist traps. We stopped at Lowes and bought electronic bug zappers and mouse chasers. No more signs of mice here but Jay had killed 8 before he left for NM. It was a beautiful and curvy drive, on our way back we jumped on the Blueridge Parkway for a while and took the groundhog photo and the view of the mountains.
On Thursday I was going to headquarters to pick up my mail. When I stepped out of the car I heard "Hi Trish" it sounded like Bob, my brother-in-law, I turned and IT WAS! What a terrific surprise as well as terrific timing. My sister-in-law, Janet and their son, Jerry were there too. I showed them where I was staying and then we went to the Log Cabin Restaurant in Volney for dinner. It was so great to see them. They were on the way to NC for the family reunion where I joined them on Saturday. Pictures to be posted eventually.
I woke up the other night and saw an eerie light moving around the room. Finally it dawned on me that it was a lightening bug. I caught him and put him out the window.
Looking out the door at Green Cove, we saw two deer then a third in the field below the Christmas Trees. Another day I was watching the flock of sheep on the hill next door when one saw Fred, the Pyrenees dog, and baaa-ed at him. Then the sheep walked up to Fred and they touched noses. Really! They must really like their protector. Pictures soon.
We had a terrible day yesterday, it stormed all day and only 18 people came into the station. A very long day.
Lucky for me it's not raining this morning. Stay tuned.

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