Snoopy and Magic

Snoopy and Magic
The Thirsty Duo

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Starting Over Again

At the end of January 09, I took my first solo trip to Brooksville, Fl. There I met and joined a great group of fellow solo's, the Singles International (SI's) Chapter of FMCA at a pre rally and joined them in a caravan to the Hernando County Airport for the Southeastern Area Rally of FMCA with about 1500 other motorhomes. They were very friendly as they welcomed me into their group. There was a happy hour every day at 4, which became easier each time. Several of us gals formed a special bond and still keep in touch even though we have each gone our separate way.

While there I finally bought a windsock to fly above my coach, something I had wanted since visiting Quartzite, AZ in 2003. Our coaches were lined up in rows along several runways as far as the eye could see and I had a great time.

1 comment:

floridadawncat said...

I am soooo happy to see you doing your thang!

Kisses to Snoopy and Magic.