Snoopy and Magic

Snoopy and Magic
The Thirsty Duo

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our last night on Lake Perry, KS

We took a trip into Lawrence today and it's a typical college town with hustle, bustle and construction going on everywhere. A great downtown catering to the college kids. I really liked it.
We did a little shopping then stopped at a local place, Runza's, for a bite of lunch. I had a smothered grilled chicken breast sandwich which was totally outstanding and Boyd had a Polish Dog which he thoroughly enjoyed as well. I would definitely go back if I were here longer.

I mentioned the cows that went skinny dipping around here and here's the proof. We spotted a little 4 legged critter crossing the road this morning and it turned out to be a small groundhog, also known as whistlepigs.

The last post also mentioned some insects that I called Willows. This morning we found them on the Internet and were surprised to find out that they're Mayflies. They weren't here last week, just in the past few days we started seeing them.

I took another couple of photos of the lake and found one of the geese we saw yesterday morning.
Tomorrow we have all day to clean windows pack up and vacumn dead mosquitoes. Check out time isn't until 6 PM and we'll wait until close to 6 when we leave. We're going West on Hwy 24 to Topeka and plan to spend the night at WalMart, it should be cool enough by then to not have to have the A/C on. While there the car can get it's overdue oil change and we can restock the freezer. The next morning we're headed to the Prairie Band Casino to spend the weekend.

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