Snoopy and Magic

Snoopy and Magic
The Thirsty Duo

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Unwelcomed Surprise

Well I guess it's my fault, I said I loved surprises and that tonight would probably be one, not only for you but us too. I can't honestly say that it's a real surprise for me though, as I see what is going on behind the scenes and you don't. Hopefully you're not holding your breath to find out where we are since I'm rambling on like this, you're liable to pass out first.

Okay, are you ready????? We're still home....Aw, I can hear you now and I'm really sorry to disappoint you but that's life folks, the real thing. Snoopy and Magic really did get their baths though and they feel and smell so good I can hardly keep my hands off them.

All kidding aside I'll tell you what's happening. Starting in the beginning of June what started as routine bloodwork for Boyd turned into more bloodwork, ultrasounds and cat scans. They came out pretty good too except they showed fluid in the abdomen and bloodwork showed very low protein. Last Thursday his Dr. said he had a call in to a Gastrointerologist for a consult but not to cancel any reservations yet. Friday morning he called and said to cancel for the next 2-3 weeks to be on the safe side. So I cancelled Suwannee River State Park for 7 nights. That's all I cancelled, we'll play it by ear after we meet this new Dr. on Tuesday morning.

So you see, even as I wrote the last post, I knew something was brewing but being the eternal optimist that I am, I had hope that we'd leave on schedule.

We hosed off the rv today trying to find the leak in the front but didn't find it. We're going to have to go to Kissimmee for sure and have it checked out the day we leave here so I've rerouted yet again. We're still waiting for our gov. stimulus check to arrive after getting a letter stating it should be here by the 13th. I'm sure glad I haven't started the mail forwarding yet.

It's late, I'm tired and should have been in bed before now. I'll write a post Tuesday night.

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